The number one question I get when I meet people is "how do you get it all done?" I just kinda laugh because the answer is..."I DON'T!" What I have learned over the years is how to streamline and simplify my life. This did not just come overnight. In fact it is a trial and error process every week.
I have a lot on my plate. More than most people actually because my husband is in a wheel chair. I am his primary care giver, I do all the housework, I take care of our animal shelter pets, I do the cooking, basically I do a hefty portion of things. He is our family breadwinner, pays the bills and mows the lawn (thanks to amazing modern technology).
I thought I would share with you some of the products and concepts I use on a daily basis to help me get as much done as I do.
First, we have a routine. Like I said, my husband is in a wheel chair. He can't just hop out of bed in the morning and go to work. Instead it takes a team effort on both our parts. Over the years we have established a pretty awesome routine that works for both of us. Without it I am sure we would both go gray. ;)
Our house was designed and built by him. That means everything in this house is 100% accessible to him. This includes our basement because he put an elevator in. Having everything accessible to him makes both of our lives easier.
Next, we have no clutter in our house. You heard me right. We have no clutter. Everything has a place, my house is not over flowing with knick knacks, ect. We have a very open floor plan and I like to keep it as minimal as possible. I just hate clutter.
By having your house clutter free it is so much easier to clean, find what you are looking for, and it is so much less stress in your life.
Another way I keep up with every day life is by cleaning everyday. I know some people will wait and clean once a week, every other week, ect but that does not work for me. I vacuum daily, dust weekly, clean my kitchen daily, spot clean bathrooms daily, and deep clean bathrooms weekly. This is what works for me.
I also keep my cleaning products simple. I LOVE my Roomba!
My Roomba is amazing because it does the everyday type of vacuuming for you. I just make sure the canister is empty and hit a button. Now it doesn't vacuum furniture, so I do that daily. Especially since we have pets. However, this device is a lifesaver for your everyday standard vacuuming.
I also keep my cleaning products simple. I use
Shaklee products because they are eco-friendly, affordable, and work! One bottle of
Basic H2 cleans almost everything in my home.
I never let our laundry build up. The thought of having 5 loads of laundry to do in one day makes me cringe. Instead I have a laundry system that works great for me. I have three LARGE tall laundry baskets near my washer/dryer. We have a clothes shoot upstairs and the clothes land on the ground by the baskets. I sort the clothes and put them in the right basket (towels, whites, darks). Once a basket is full I do that load of laundry. Generally, this is about 3-4 loads spread out through the week. I know this is soon going to increase once the baby is here and I am cloth diapering. My system might need some tweaking then, but for now this is perfect.

Next, I keep a calender with me at all times. Some people might like to use their phones for this, but I am old school. I like to physically write my appointments and things down. I just use a cheap $2 pocket calender from Walmart and it is a lifesaver. I love that it is small enough to fit in my purse, but big enough for me to keep track of all our commitments.
Another thing I think that really important is knowing when to hire help. We have a huge driveway and there is no way I am going to have time (nor do I have any desire) to remove snow. This is hired. Period. The only thing I have to do is quick shovel by our doors. Which takes only a few minutes. The money spent on snow removal is 100% worth it.
I also schedule time for myself. This is more for me to keep my sanity. Our lives are busy and I think everyone deserves a little pampering. Every three weeks I have a standing appointment to get a hour massage. I have been doing this for years. It is my time to just relax and shut my brain off. Once the baby is born I might have to adjust this a bit, but I will still be getting my massage.
I think massage is a great way to get rid of all the nasty toxins in our bodies. Those toxins can make us sick. I would not be able to get as much done as I do without staying healthy. I am RARELY sick *knock on wood* and I want to keep it that way. I eat a balanced diet, drink lots of water, and take my favorite
I also LOVE to read. I use my Nook, so I am able to read a bit in bed before I go to sleep. I can still keep the lights off and not disturb my husband.
I know everything on here is common sense. I even feel a little dumb for posting it after I go back and read it. However, I get this question ALL THE TIME when I meet people. Honestly, I think people just need to manage their time, make their routine work for them, and keep their surroundings conducive to getting as much done as possible.
I make lists and have sticky notes all over the place. This helps me clear my mind of the million things I need to do, but without forgetting them. It is just as important to declutter your mind as it is to declutter your home/life. Keep things simple and don't get caught up with the big things. Start small and you will eventually have a routine that allows you to get tons done in a day/week.
Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any of the companies I have mentioned. All products have been purchased with my own money.