Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Green Goals"

For some reason this is a post that is really hard for me to write.  I have so many thoughts running around in my head and it is just hard to organize them.  A very wise lady got me thinking about what I wanted out of life.  When I started my Shaklee business I did not know I was pregnant.  Since becoming pregnant my business and life goals have changed drastically.  

What I once thought was important really isn't any more.  Instead I have taken a whole new approach at life.  I have always had the mindset that you can't start your "resolutions" until Jan. 1st.  Do I really believe that?  No.  I think it is important to stop, take inventory of your life, and find out what is important to you.  By doing this you can start changing your life at any time!  

I have decided to keep my business goals to myself, but I want to share some personal goals with you.  I want to start working on immediately, so I can reach my ultimate goal of living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life!  Some of the things I already do, or do them some of the time.  I just need to remind myself to do them ALL the time.  

*I want to eliminate MORE processed foods from our diets.  I will admit I have SLACKED big time since becoming pregnant.  I am ashamed at some of the foods we have consumed these last few months.  This pregnancy has been rough on me, so I reached for the processed convenience foods.  I vow to start my family in the direction of clean eating once again.

*Use only farm fresh eggs.  We do this about 90% of the time, but there are times where I reach for the cheap eggs.  Farm fresh is so much better.  The yolks are bright and the chickens are raised in the environment they are supposed to be in.  We are lucky.  A guy my husband works with sells his eggs for $1 a dozen, BUT it is hard to get them from him.  He has so many people wanting them!

*Make my own broth more often.  I get so lax about this!  I used to be so good about keeping the bones and making my own broth.  I either freeze or pressure can it.  I NEED to get better about doing this all the time.  Homemade broth is so nutritious and has wonderful flavor.

*Make my own yogurt.  I bought a yogurt maker two years ago and sadly I have only used it a handful of times. 

*Start fermenting.  My husband and I both love pickles and kraut, so I'm hoping we like fermenting.  Again, fermenting has a lot of great health benefits. 

*Continue buying farm fresh meats.  This is expensive, but I am proud of us for doing it for so many years. 

*Eat more foods that are local and in season.  This is so easy in the summer, but so hard in the winter.  I live where it blizzards a lot of the winter, so their really is no winter growing season.  In the summer it is easy because several of my family members have HUGE gardens.  I thought about joining a CSA, but figured that would be stupid.  Between my garden, my parents, my grandparents, and my aunt we generally have more fresh produce than we know what to do with!

*Compost more. Again, I just hang my head in shame.  I have two compost bins I started several years ago.  I was so good about composting EVERYTHING I could until this summer.  I NEED to be better about it!

*Continue using my rain barrel in the growing months.  This was easy last year and it was so hard this year.  We had a severe drought, so no rain means no water in the rain barrel.

*Keep up on my recycling.  I am REALLY proud of myself for this.  I wish our recycling bin was bigger!

*Use my dehydrator more.  Dehydrating is a great way to preserve foods.  I need to be better about using it.  Just typing this makes me want to go make some fruit leather. :)

*Reusable grocery bags.  Ugh, I admit I have them in both of our vehicles, but I am lazy and don't use them all the time.  I vow to make a conscious effort to use them more often. 

*Cut back on the amount of plastic we have in our home.  We use a lot of glass, but still way too much plastic.

*Continue cleaning with all natural products.  I am excellent about this because I love my Shaklee products so much!

*Turning lights off when we leave a room.  I am so guilty of leaving the bathroom light on!  I need to get better.

*Work out more as my doctor will let me.  At 6 wks I was given strict orders to not do anything strenuous due to the hemorrhage.  My doctor has now given me the ok to start my pregnancy yoga dvd and light walking.  I just need to get with the program! 

I have a lot more goals floating around, but a lot of them are for when the baby is born.  A lot of you already know I am going to be a breast feeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering crunchy momma!  ;)  I also really want to have a natural birth, so I have my doula and birth plan outlined.  I think I will get more into those goals closer to my due date!  

There you have it.  I consider these my "green goals" from here on out.  I also have business, relationship, and parenting goals I will share in the future!   Do you have goals you want to achieve?  Don't wait until Jan. 1st to set them in motion.  START TODAY! 


  1. you already have a great start at so many of these. Don't hang your head in shame, especially when you haven't been feeling your best. You're rocking it... just may be taking baby steps while you're not feeling completely yourself! For what it's worth, i'm proud of you.
